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4th of June PeerBerry will implement IT system improvement works

4th of June PeerBerry will implement IT system improvement works

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Mensaje antiguo 03-06-2020, 13:09   #1
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titulo 4th of June PeerBerry will implement IT system improvement works

"We constantly improve IT systems of PeerBerry platform so that they were safe and convenient for our clients. On 4 June 2020 at night from 02:00 till 04:00 (EEST) we will carry out scheduled system improvements.
System maintenance works will take just a few hours but during this period our website will not be accessible. Thank you for your understanding.
In any case you can reach us by email [email protected] and through our social networks.
PeerBerry team

A ver si con ese empujón ya es algo definitivo, se consolida la gran mejoría que se ha notado de un tiempo a esta parte, y alcanza la estabilidad y rapidez de respuesta que es exigible a la que, a día de hoy para mi, es la mejor plataforma.
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