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Fur processing company (26% a 24 meses)

Fur processing company (26% a 24 meses)

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Mensaje antiguo 15-01-2020, 00:42   #71
Forero Ninja
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titulo Re: Fur processing company (26% a 24 meses)

Sin ánimo de crear pánico, recordar que la empresa está en el equivalente al concurso de acreedores y que la asociación de "pieles" (algo así) no dio el visto bueno a no sé que historia. Tuvieron que enviar un correo a los inversores en plan tranquilizador y comentando que lo bueno de esta situación es que permitía adquirir lo mismo pero a un precio más bajo.

Ya es cosa de cada uno valorar cuanto dinero quiere concentrar en un mismo proyecto.
La única información fiable es aquella que procede del ente oficial correspondiente. Mis comentarios simplemente reflejan lo que yo creo, pudiendo estar equivocado.
Ronin46 está desconectado   Responder citando
Mensaje antiguo 15-01-2020, 01:58   #72
avatar de forofintech
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titulo Re: Fur processing company (26% a 24 meses)

La empresa JSC Grobina de las "pieles" debía 6 millones a un banco y acudió a Crowdestor para solicitar financiación. El banco acreedor quería vender su deuda con importante descuento y la empresa tenía "pieles" como garantía. No se puso de acuerdo con los acreedores y entró en concurso de acreedores. A ver como ha quedado todo el tema jurídico ahora....
forofintech está desconectado   Responder citando
Mensaje antiguo 15-01-2020, 10:40   #73
Forero Senior
Fecha de ingreso: 12 Jul 2019
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titulo Re: Fur processing company (26% a 24 meses)

Janis Timma de Crowdestor lo explica bien "I will try to explain this case very briefly. There is a Fur processing company which has a debt from Bank in amount of ~ 6 million EUR which has 1st hang pledge on assets. Company has other unsecured liabilities in amount of 5+ mil EUR. They could not run the business so insolvency was submitted. At the moment, the secured lender (the bank) is ready to do a hair-cut and to sell assets with a discount to one buyer if it buys all the assets. So the asset value is close to 10 mil EUR, the potential buy-out is ~3 mil EUR. It is cheaper to pay 3 mil + 26% interest for 2 years comparing to 6 mil + 5% for 2 years2
payesman está desconectado   Responder citando
Mensaje antiguo 15-01-2020, 20:56   #74
Forero Ninja
Fecha de ingreso: 27 Oct 2017
Mensajes: 949
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Actividad: 0%
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titulo Re: Fur processing company (26% a 24 meses)

Al correo que yo me refería es el siguiente:

Mensaje de
We have some update regarding project Fur Processing Company in which you have made investment.

As we previously explained, in order to close the deal and buy-out existing secured loan from the senior lender, it was an obligation to receive an acceptance from NAFA, which is the auction house who buys fur from JSC Grobina and which is one of the creditors of JSC Grobina. The acceptance was not received which means that Borrower did not buy-out the secured debt from the bank. And JSC Grobina submitted an application of insolvency by themselves as they did not have any other option how to refinance their liabilities.

What this means?

This gives an opportunity to buy out directly the assets from the bank for the same price or lower.

These are good news for Crowdestor investors from security aspect because:

1) the assets will be already fully owned by Borrower (there will be no legal procedures, costs or time to take over assets if JSC Grobina would delay payments);
2) we will have full rights to sell or lease the assets (the processing factory as a whole united) in any time for the best price;
3) assets will be free from other previous liabilities which where where in the balance sheet of JSC Grobina.

In case senior lender will have other offer to buy-out assets of JSC Grobina for a higher price, Borrower will not take part in this deal and all funds with interests will be paid back to investors.

The funds are not being paid to JSC Grobina or bank until there is a contract in place for acquisition of the assets. So no worries that funds are stuck or are lent to an insolvent company.
La única información fiable es aquella que procede del ente oficial correspondiente. Mis comentarios simplemente reflejan lo que yo creo, pudiendo estar equivocado.
Ronin46 está desconectado   Responder citando

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