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Your interests are number one priority for PeerBerry

Your interests are number one priority for PeerBerry

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Mensaje antiguo 08-04-2020, 14:48   #1
Forero Senior
Fecha de ingreso: 24 Dec 2016
Mensajes: 173
Gracias: 76
19 agradecimientos recibidos
Puntos: 9,097, Nivel: 64
Puntos: 9,097, Nivel: 64 Puntos: 9,097, Nivel: 64 Puntos: 9,097, Nivel: 64
Level up: 16%, 253 Puntos para próximo nivel
Level up: 16% Level up: 16% Level up: 16%
Actividad: 0%
Actividad: 0% Actividad: 0% Actividad: 0%
titulo Your interests are number one priority for PeerBerry

Thank you for your trust, for choosing PeerBerry for your additional passive income, which is so relevant now.

Understanding that the confidence of our investors is our highest priority, Aventus Group and Gofingo Group have decided to significantly reduce the volume of lending to their clients; Lithome has postponed the start of several new projects in order to have a sufficient reserve of freed money on bank accounts for those investors who decided to keep their money “at home” during these turbulent times. Therefore, it’s natural that PeerBerry turnover may decrease over the next few months, because temporary our partners will issue less loans as before.

I would like to emphasize that for us and for partner companies: Aventus Group, Gofingo and Lithome, the security of our clients' investments is the only priority. Therefore, you perhaps have noticed that Peerberry is probably the only platform currently that implements payments to investors immediately, on the same day, without any delay.

The extremely conservative financial management policy and our recent decisions have led us to the largest cash balances on both PeerBerry and our Loan originators accounts. All this is made in order to be ready to overcome a long-lasting crisis, to make our investors feel safe and be able to use their money at any time convenient for them.

The available financial resources would allow our loan originators to lend more actively to their clients in all countries of their presence, but we all believe that the liquidity and security of our investors' investments are much more important than potential returns during this crisis.

Thanks again for your trust.
Best wishes,
Arūnas Lekavičius
CEO | PeerBerry
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